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widespread growth in the publication of photography-related books is the result of  increasing development of photography media and the requirement of learning it. In this part, by introducing these texts, Afraphoto intends to consider a suitable guide for reading and buying of photography books.

کلمات عکاسی

Kalamat E Akassihasan khobdel va karim motaghiBook Title : کلمات عکاسی (از آغاز تا به امروز) : کلمات عکاسی (از آغاز تا به امروز)

Author: ژیل مورا

Translator:  حسن خوبدل، کریم متقی

Publishers: حرفه نویسنده

Release Year (Publish Year): 1391

All rights reserved to © 2018-2020